Before I began reading “Wild at Heart” by John Eldridge I had the distinct benefit of having my friend Krys read most of it first. This benefit was not due to the advantage of shared perspectives but because Krys has no Y chromosome. Krys never gave me her full analysis of the book but what she did say created more enthusiasm for me to read a book then I have had in quite some time. She said that this book was very interesting to her because it gave her an insight into what made men who they are.
A lot of men when asked who they are begin to list accomplishments, titles, religions, hobbies, personality traits, etc. but the problem is men do not know why they are the way they are. These first chapters focus on this fact. We as humans cannot fully accomplish our true missions here on earth and in life if we do not come to grips with who we truly are. Breaking it down to the basics, men are men and women are women. There are biological differences that cannot be argued.
We as humans are born with certain traits built into our DNA code. This explains why one twin baby cries all the time while other twin baby sleeps all the time. That is why two kids growing up in the same home can be worlds different. Now this is not a bad thing but just who we are. The problem is when we are affected negatively by our surroundings or teachings growing up. Whether it’s the fact that your father never said he loved you or your pastor told you never to show anger because it was not the way of god. These experiences become a part of our DNA and unless we break this DNA down and become the confident men or women that god created us to be we will never see the success that we deserve and god wants for us. These first two chapters have talked about the advantage of tapping into the internal drive and passion of a man and women. John Eldridge couldn’t be more on target. We as men or women must stop letting the opinions and experiences of the past rule our lives. We must destroy those traits and experiences generated from our past that hinder our growth and allow ourselves to be confident enough to live the lives god and most importantly we intended.
Personally, I look forward to reading the rest of this book but most importantly I look forward to the sharing of our opinions and dialogue regarding this ever so important topic of discovering just who we are as the sons and daughters of god.
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